Global Contacts and Organization Profiles

See key data at the individual or company level to put the information you need at the forefront when making any business decisions.

Global Contacts


The contacts page visible in the green ribbon of the header bar is the primary list of all the contacts you have associated with your account. This list serves as a central portal connecting information on contact organizations, activities, and roles, across all of the data within our application. Easily cross-reference data to keep all the information you need to know right at your fingertips when any interactions occur!


This list is visible to all licensed users, and works as a shared contacts directory. This contact list does not give contacts any access to the app.

Organization Profiles

Keep information on your teammates (or competition!) right at your fingertips, including their government award dollars, contract vehicles, and available contacts.

Whenever you see an organization name that is a hyperlink, you can click on it to view the Organization Profile in a new browser tab. This is most often the case when viewing from a contact within an organization, or the Federal Spend Analytics views.